Dayna Macy

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"You Know Just How I Feel."

I've been getting some good responses to my Handstand article in the current issue of Yoga Journal. Today, a woman who does freelance copy editing for us told me that she, too, was not only afraid of kicking into the pose, but felt embarrassed because she still couldn't do it. She felt deflated, and worried what others thought of her yoga.Growing older, I know that feeling. I study mainly at work, where much of the staff is younger than me. Vinyasa flow is getting harder, getting up from deep lunges harder still. It's humbling to age. But, it can force a deeper relationship to yoga practice. Why do I come to the mat at all? Because showing up as important as what I do on the mat.I'm off to Boulder for a few days. Backpacker, one of the magazines I work for, is located there. I love Boulder -- in some way it is a kindred spirit to Berkeley, where I live.