My Handstand Feature in Yoga Journal

The piece I wrote on my fear of kicking into Handstand is coming out in the April/May issue of Yoga Journal any day. I found the subject matter tough. Not the Handstand part, but how I felt about my body within the context of this pose. Writing this piece forced me to confront my negative body image -- one that I had been trying to hide under black blazers and sweaters. As I wrote this piece, I started finding fewer places to hide from myself-- a process that continues, and one that is interesting, valuable and discomfiting.I was thrilled that the model they chose to illustrate this piece is, like me, in her mid-forties, and, like me, curvy (though less so). The layout and model choice felt like a gift to me. I hugged the art director when he showed me the spreads. Just the mere image of a curvy woman in a national magazine is a gift.If you get a chance to read it, write me and let me know what you think.


"You Know Just How I Feel."


Berkeley at Dusk