Memoir Coaching

I coach memoir writers — from the birth of an idea to a book’s completion, and all points in between.

“Dayna Macy is an author’s doula: a coach’s coach.

Not only is she a gifted writer,  she is a consummate listener, supporter, and guide into the dark folds of book writing. Dayna can help clear the cobwebs and confusion, ferret out the real pitch, keep you steady as she goes. Her words are wise, and when I hesitate, I hear them, and carry on. “
— Beth Witrogen, “Caregiving: The Spiritual Journey of Love, Loss, and Renewal”

Dayna’s unique blend of empathy and direct guidance has created a safe space for me to tap into, express, and organize the emotionality that was missing from my writing, and is essential for any successful memoir. She always has the perfect poem as a prompt for our writing sessions, and offers helpful suggestions for structure and the pursuit of authenticity. I would be lost without her in this process!
— —Tasha Eichenseher