
FREE Women’s Writing Circle Class

Wednesday, September 25th, 5:30 to 6:30 PM PT

One thing I’m sure of is that writers write. Our main job is to get out of our own way. There’s a practice for this. 

If we haven’t written together before (and even if we have), I warmly invite you to my free one hour Women’s Writing Circle.  In this short time, you will get a feel for this practice and know if it speaks to you.  We will write to several poems and if you are moved to share your writing, the circle will listen with open arms and no feedback or comments. In this practice, we’re not trying to improve, we’re trying to get real. The space we create is one of safety, acceptance and warmth.

The practice I use in Women’s Writing Circles is simple and powerful. We use a line of poetry as a prompt and away we gallop, writing quickly and steadily for between 10 to 15 minutes. This practice helps us bypass our inner perfectionist and what we think we should say to what we really want to say. This practice helps us find our true voice. And that matters.

Advanced register is required to access the Zoom link:

Writing Circles in the Bahamas!

Come write with me in the Bahamas at the Sivananda Ashram Resort September 13-15, 2024, on Paradise Island! Two writing circles per day, swimming, yoga, delicious vegetarian food, massage, talks and conversation at night, and more! Wake up your body, mind and spirit! Cost: $2048 and up. Cost includes accommodations, meals, yoga, and workshops. For more information: or email: