Women's Writing Groups Starting in September!

Dear friends,

Beginning in September, I will be teaching two women's circle writing groups. One will be at my home in Berkeley, the other over zoom. The technique we use is brilliant and simple: I read a poem, we take a line from the poem and begin to write, pen doesn't leave the page. It's a practice that is as simple as it is deep, one that helps you hear your inner voice, learn what you value most in yourself and others, and experience the joy and freedom that comes from your abundant creativity!

This class is structured to bypass our inner critic (we do not evaluate each other's writing, for example, we witness it), so we can experience the freedom of expression, and, the joy of meeting ourselves on the page! You don't need to be a writer, call yourself a writer, or aspire to be a writer to grow from this work.

I've got some openings in both my in-person class and over zoom. I keep classes intentionally intimate, no more than eight people per class. We will meet once a week for an hour and a half starting mid September and classes will run for eight weeks. Classes in my home will be one morning per week, zoom class will be in the evening.

If you're interested, feel free to reach out to me at dayna@daynamacy.com

Image Credit: Plataresca


Women's Writing Circles Begin Mid-September!


Many Moons Ago, in a small Swiss Town...