Of Money, Time, and Oil

I've taken myself off of any promotional email lists. Because like Pavlov's dog, when that email arrives, I run to the computer and shop. And almost always, I end up buying something I don't need.But still they find me.The other day I got a $10 off certificate to Crocs. I own a pair of Crocs and don't need another. But I went to the website, and more than one hour later, decided on three pairs of shoes: a pair of pumps (because surely I need a comfortable pair to augment the ten uncomfortable ones I already own); a pair of olive leather sneakers (I need more flat, comfortable shoes, which I actually do); and a pair of grey sneakers, because, well, grey is different than olive.Long story short, the pumps were too big and the grey ones uncomfortable and I ended up returning both of them for $20 shipping and handling. So at the end of this excursion, I spent 3 hours of my life, $20 extra dollars, supported cheap manufacturing in China, degraded the environment, increased my carbon footprint -- all for things I didn't need in the first place.Time to wake up and call a spade a spade.


The Passover Seder


Poem of the Day