Dayna Macy

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Yoga and Food

This past weekend, I had the great fortune to attend (and work at) the Yoga Journal SF Conference. I studied with some of my favorite master teachers, including Scott Blossom, Tias Little, and Aadil Palkhivala.Aadil is a wise, deep, robust, laughing Buddha. His chanting is sonorous and comes from the belly of the earth. I adore him.I took his class on "Opening the Heart in Standing Poses," and his words ring so true and cut to the heart of my book "Ravenous," which will be published in 11 days, 12 hours and 58 seconds.Here are some of his words:"Gratitude is the precursor to healing."You have been given this body to "explore how you move through the material world."People talk too much because "they don't know how to listen, or they fear they are not being heard.""Listening is the most underrated way of making money." [He credits Steve Siebold for this idea.]"No yoga practice is good or bad. The question is, does it work for me?"In yoga, the question is not whether "this is correct, but is it appropriate? You are either moving towards or away from something.""There is no end point to a posture -- no point where you are ever 'there'".And finally, "Yoga is not performance. It's a practice."