Barbara Boxer and the Pornographers

They have nothing to do with each other, except I saw both on Sunday.I went to a Boxer fundraiser because she's in a tight race against Carly Fiorina (she of the famed "Demon Sheep Ad" against Tom Campbell), who I think is truly awful. I was impressed with Boxer, and she seemed to enjoy herself. Of course, this was in the Berkeley Hills and she was speaking to her peeps. And I loved that she had to dash because she was going to another fundraiser in Marin where Phil Lesh was performing.That night, Scott and I went to see the New Pornographers at the Fox Theater in Oakland. They opened with "Sing Me Spanish Techo" and were completely tight and great from there. And, I got to see A.C. Newman and Neko Case in the flesh. I love this band, which is the only reason this middle-aged girl was still singing and swaying close to midnight.


Shiratake Noodles


Where I've Been