Here's a Guitar. Be a Hero

We had some fine folks over for dinner last week: Stephanie Snyder, a wonderful yoga teacher who is featured in Yoga Journal's "Yoga for Strength and Toning" DVD, and her husband, Lars Frederiksen of the punk band Rancid. Stephanie and I bonded over our common love of folk music and yoga, and our husbands' love of punk. I wanted to get Lars and Scott together, so they could discuss punk arcana (Lord knows I can't), which they did with unabashed joy. "It's a punk nerd convention" Lars said, laughing, as I served the noodles.Lars told us this great story. He was touring with the great Billy Bragg, who said that his son wanted to get Guitar Hero.Instead, Bragg handed him a guitar and said, "Here's a guitar. Be a hero."


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