The Kindness of Strangers

I'm at lunch yesterday with my son Jack. We look at the menu and as we're about to order, I see it's cash only. I don't have enough for both of us to eat so I tell him to order and I'll have tea. I'm fine with that.A minute later, a woman comes over to me and says, "I couldn't help but overhear you. Would $20 cover your lunch?"I'm speechless. Jack is speechless. She says, "I know what it's like to want to have lunch with your kid. Please, take it."I do. I write her a check. She tells me her name is Narda Zacchino. She is both beautiful and kind. This act of kindness leads to more talk. I learn she had been an editor at both the SF Chronicle and the LA Times. She's now a fellow at the Annenberg School of Communications. With her was her husband, the political columnist Robert Scheer.When our lunch comes, Jack says, "People are amazing. Even strangers."


Oscar Dresses


Strange Publishing Stories, Issue #1