Facebook Scam

To all my kind friends who have called and emailed, no, I'm not in London. No, I haven't been mugged. And no, I don't need money.My Facebook page was hacked into this morning and is in the process of being taken down.The good news is, I'm reconnecting with old friends. My friend Phil called me and said that in the IM he had with the scammers he commented, "Geez Dayna, you're English is getting awfully rough." And when my friend King told them to screw off, scam artists, they wrote, "Fuck You". He emailed and said "the mouth on that Dayna."And I Just had a lovely talk with my friend Dan Fost, whom I first met when he covered Tech for the SF Chronicle. He told me he's writing a book on the SF Giants. We promised to buy each others books, even though I'm not interested in baseball, and he's not interested in food memoir.To all my dear friends, thank you.


No Food


New York, Books, Farms, and Lightening