My Strange Life

Yesterday, I went foraging with Iso Rabins up by Lake Anza in Berkeley Hills. We found radish greens, wild artichokes (wicked looking with lethal spikes), and the first blackberries. We also found wild fennel and nasturtiums, and then raided a friend's loquat tree (with permission). Today's task, which will be a chapter in my book, is to write about our adventure, and to make our haul into a meal. Here's what I'm thinking:Fennel pesto over noodlesSteamed artichokes with aioliSauteed radish greens and mushrooms - maybe folded into phyllo with melted gruyereLoquat crispBut I haven't quit my day job and also got a phone call at Yoga Journal from Arthur Sulzberger (I'm guessing a junior Sulzberger). At first I thought it was a joke, but yes, it's true, he is from that Sulzberger family, and he's writing a piece on regulating the yoga industry (complicated topic). I gave him some info, then told him three things: that John Burns is my favorite reporter, that I am devoted to the NY Times (thanks, he said, really meaning it), and that I will read it no matter what the delivery platform. "Tell that to your market research department," I said. He chuckled, and our conversation was done.This is my strange life. Now, to cook fennel pesto.




Women in Chocolate Panel at the Commonwealth Club SF June 25th