The Kindness of a Stranger

Just a few weeks ago, my good friend Kaitlin's 19 year old nephew Gabe was riding his motorcycle on some back road in PA, and was hit head on by a truck. The man driving in the car behind him happened to be an EMT. He got out of the car, ran to Gabe, and kept him stable until an ambulance arrived.Gabe had both legs amputated that day. Shortly after, the man who saved him came back to the hospital and left a letter, that said something like this: You were meant to survive. I never drive that road, yet something told me to take it that day. If I hadn't been behind you, you probably would have died. Someone is looking out for you. Believe that you will get better, and that you will go on to live a happy life.This from a total stranger. And guardian angel.


Women in Chocolate Panel at the Commonwealth Club SF June 25th


Anna and Oprah