New York, In No Particular Order

1. I walked miles in the city and never got tired.2. The GM Building on 59th and 5th, where I worked 25 years ago, is still as hard and cold as I remember.3. As I walked down 5th Avenue from 86th to 55th, peering into the huge windows of grand old building with their old, wood paneled libraries, I felt like a character from an Edith Wharton novel.4. I bought two giant bouquets of lilacs for my editor and agent, and walked with my nose stuck in them for many happy blocks before I delived them.5. A lot more people smoke in New York than in San Francisco.6. There are a lot more gyro vendors today then when I lived there two decades ago.7. It's possible to do wonderful yoga in a stuffy hotel.8. You can get a great haircut in NY but equally great haircuts in San Francisco.9. Springtime in NY is often sublime.10. You can strike up a conversation with someone at the next table and it can turn out he is a director/writer/producer of a terrific movie.11. Whenever I travel, my home turns into a frat house except instead of booze (two of my three boys, after all, are only nine), they turn to Lucky Charms.


Anna and Oprah


A Hair Story