Yoga Journal San Francisco Conference

One of the things I enjoy most about my work at Yoga Journal is that I get to go to our conferences and study with some of the world's finest yoga teachers. Our San Francisco conference is starting today, held at the Hyatt Regency Embarcadero. I have several classes lined up, but I am especially thrilled to study with Matthew Sanford on the energetics of backbends. Matthew has been in a wheelchair for decades, and energetics and how energy, or chi, moves through the body, forms the basis of his teachings. As someone who has struggled with backbends for years, I am very much looking forward to his teaching.In addition to my work as communications director, I have also just been named managing editor of our international editions. As part of our conference, we have editors/publishers coming in from Russia, Thailand, Brazil, Japan and Germany. It is a great thrill to know that no matter what the language or culture, yoga has become a world-wide phenomenon.



