Of Twists, Seaweed, and Water

It's that time of year again, when I usually eat too much, drink too much, and don't get enough exercise or sleep. This year, though, I'm going to try a  different tack. I'm going to try to listen to my body.When I slow down enough and ask my body what she needs, she speaks back loud and clear. Here's what she's saying:"I"m thirsty! More water now.""My kidney region is tight and congested. I need some twists! Get me into Ardha Matsyendrasana or Twisted Agnistambhasana pronto!""And make some soup, will ya? Add a piece of kombu while you're at it. I need the minerals!"I jest, but the deeper truth is, our bodies do talk. We just need to make the time to listen.


Lessons of the Crab


Beet-Cured Gravlax Ravioli Stuffed with Avocado Mousse