Bush - Forever a Child

Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, was recently feted at a White House dinner, complete with a 21-gun salute. During his welcoming remarks, President Bush said, "You helped our nation celebrate its bicentennial in 1776 … " He then corrected himself by saying, "1976."After the crowd burst into laughter, Bush added, "She gave me a look that only a mother could give a child."Is that funny? Or does it describe accurately, in a nutshell, describe our President's character -- that of a naughty boy, stepping on the wisdom and knowledge of his elders? It wouldn't matter at all if he were, say, running a mid-sized company in Midland, Texas. But he is our President, our Commander-in-Chief, sending 20-year-olds to their death in Iraq.The naughty boy is getting away with murder.


Vanity Fair Fact Checking - Not!


Obama the Inevitable