More About Sharon

I haven't posted for a while -- first I was out of town with my family for Spring break, then came back to work, slammed with deadlines.I saw Sharon again today (see March 27 post). She was sitting quietly on the corner of Sansome and Bush. I knelt down and told her that my kids wrote her a letter and asked her if she would like me to bring it the next time I saw her. "That would be so nice," she said.I asked her if she would tell me her story. She said she was 64, and had been homeless for years. She had health problems -- 3 recurrences of cancer. She lost her job, then her health insurance, and things spiraled down from there. She also lost her husband and daughter many years ago.She said she slept in shelters, which are really just fine, she added. She eats breakfast at Glide, gets food from food banks, and is looking forward to turning 65 in May when she can start collecting social security. She said she thought at that point she could get off the street.What amazed me about this woman was her absolute lack of bitterness or rancor. I am fairly sure I would not have her grace if I were in her position. She seems extremely kind, as if her sorrow has somehow made her heart bigger and more compassionate. She moves me and I feel lucky to have met her.


Sharon 3


My Dream Dinner Party