Ryan and Reese

I thought I'd only blog about BIG issues like the grotesque war in Iraq or the dwindling of the world's fresh water supply. But I have to admit, in between caring about what is real and important, I also read gossip rags (maybe to take a break from what is real and important). So I was not in the least surprised today to read that Oscar winner Reese Witherspoon and her husband, the actor Ryan Phillipe, are getting divorced.Any time I've ever seen a picture of the guy he exuded rage. When Witherspoon won a Golden Globe award for her portrayal of June Carter Cash in "Walk the Line", he smacked her on the butt so hard she nearly fell over. He later said he was drunk. Maybe. But whatever he was, he was also pissed she won.Anger that deep is sometimes hard to hide. Even for an actor.


Be Kind to Your Sleeping Heart


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