Dayna Macy

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Bodies: Yours, Mine, and Others

“Your body is not an apology…”*

Friends! My next Women’s Writing Circle summer pop-up, Bodies: Yours, Mine, and Others, begins next Wednesday, (6/26, 5:30 to 7 pm PT) on zoom and Saturday (6/29, 10 am to noon) in my Berkeley home

This pop-up examines our relationship with our body and our judgments about others and our own. We use poetry as a prompt (Example: “My body is not an apology…”), and off we gallop, pen to paper, writing our truth in a circle of confidentiality and safety. It is powerful to write your truth and especially powerful to write in circle with others. I hope you'll join me!

To read more and register for zoom, go to:

For those interested in my home class, message or email me at

To read more about this style of writing practice:

To read more about me go to:

Class cost: $40

*(Sonya Renee Taylor)