Dayna Macy

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The writing life can be a little rocky at times, and so, I try to be grateful whenever and wherever I can.So when I read this review on Amazon, I was pretty thrilled:5.0 out of 5 stars An Insightful Food Memoir, June 12, 2011By Rebecca Johnson "The Rebecca Review" (Washington State) - See all my reviews(TOP 10 REVIEWER)If the purpose of "Ravenous" is to make you less hungry it doesn't succeed. I read this book over the weekend and completely loved it. Dayna Macy is one of the best food writers I've ever had the luck to find. She is more aware of life's subtle nuances than most people. While the book begins with descriptions of binge eating, it ends with a sense of control and purpose. What I liked most about "Ravenous" is the raw and real approach to food. Dayna Macy is completely honest about her emotional connection to food. She also skillfully describes a very erotic and yet innocent connection with a chef which is such a fantasy. I also thought her description of the magical experience of making Brioche was very memorable. Some of her short stories of moments in her life really captivated me. Like the story of how she drinks chamomile tea that was brewed from the flowers her boyfriend's mom grew. At the end of each essay/story there are also recipes. I'm looking forward to trying some of the recipes, especially the kale chips. For the most part I felt that "Ravenous" was warm and inviting. It truly captures the story of a woman who goes from out-of-control binging to a respectful and healing eating experience. I think you will absolutely adore this insightful memoir.~The Rebecca Review