Dayna Macy

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Me, Mary Higgins Clark, and My New York "Tour"

I write this in my hotel room at the New York Hilton. It's the weekend of the Yoga Journal New York Conference, and I am both handling the press for the conference as well as moderating a panel on The Yoga of Food this Sunday (1:30 pm, free and open to the public) with Ana Forrest, Aadil Palkhivala, David Romanelli, and Seane Corn. I came in a few days early to do some book stuff, including a talk and book signing at Om Yoga, graciously put together by the wonderful Cyndi Lee.I have pictures to post, but since I am technologically challenged, that might have to wait until I get home. Four of my elementary school buddies (yes, you Denise Shapiro, Lisa Litman, Giselle Heitzner and Donna DeSisto) showed up to show support, and then we all went out for a celebratory dinner. It did my heart good!Just one story before I collapse into Viparita Karani (legs up the wall pose) and catch my breath before Michael Pollan's talk tonight. I was eating lunch the other day at Michael's (my kind brother in law Paul wanted to give me a real New York literary experience), and as I was walking out, the maitre de brought me to a table and said, "Dayna, I'd like you to meet Mary Higgins Clark. Ms. Clark, this is Dayna. She's just written her first book."Ms. Clark, the famed romance writer who is one of the reasons Simon & Schuster is still in business, looked up at me from her perfectly made-up face and said, "You're a first time author? You MUST join us." Her editor looked apoplectic. "Ms Clark," I demurred, "I haven't sold one one billionth of your books." "Well," she said, "you gotta start somewhere," so I sat. We chatted briefly, and she was sharp, witty, and lovely. When I said to her, "sometimes I think the secret of success is just continuing to show up," she nodded and said, "yes, and if you keep showing up, you might end up writing 42 books, like I have."I love her optimism.