Dayna Macy

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New York, Books, Farms, and Lightening

I just got back from New York. While visiting my niece on the upper West Side, I got caught in the mother of all lightening storms. Check out these photos from a friend of a friend.I also visited the Pfeiffer Center at Three Fold Farm, the first biodynamic farm in the United States -- only a mile from where I grew up. But I didn't even know it was there! All I knew is that the meandering street, aptly named Hungry Hollow Road, called to me. I interviewed the head gardener, Mac Mead, and had the chance to climb up into an old hayloft filled with bales of warm hay and rusted pitchforks. When I got to the top, all I could see was rolling hills. This world was next to me the whole while growing up, and it took 40 years for me to finally discover it.I also met with my book editor, Patty Gift who is lovely, smart, and kind to this nervous first time author! I told her my big hope for my book was that it would be compulsively readable. That seems like a pretty good goal.