Dayna Macy

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John Edwards

Whether in politics, Hollywood, or in my personal circle of friends, I don't care who sleeps with who. I don't care if a politician is gay (unless he's a homophobe in public, then all bets are off). So I just didn't get what all the hoopla about John Edwards was about."Why all the fuss?" I asked my husband Scott, a journalist. "Who the hell cares, besides his wife and kids?"Scott gently pointed out  that this man could have been Obama's nominated VP, or even the nominee himself.  And had that happened -- well, disaster. The democratic nomination derailed. John McCain the next President.The country deserves better than Bush. Better than McCain, and, I guess, better than Edwards. It deserves Obama. If he wins, I will throw a party on January 20, 2009, and toast the end of an eight-year nightmare.