Dayna Macy

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Waltzing without a Pareo

I just came back from CT where we celebrated my niece Lindsey's wedding to the fine young Doug Robertson.  She was a vision -- beautiful, sweet, with the kindest smile you've ever seen.Two days after the wedding, I took my sister and her other wonderful daughter Kyra, and my two sons to a local beach. I did not last long -- the weather hit 103 degrees that day. But I did take off my beach wrap, and stroll leisurely into the water, which is nothing to write about, except that I didn't wrap myself up as I usually do, mummy like in my pareo. Doing whatever I can to tastefully hide my body.Nope. Life's too short to not feel the warmth (okay, scorch) of the sun on my bare shoulders, arms and legs. What is most interesting, to me anyway, is that the less I care about how I appear to others, the more comfortable I am in my own skin.