Dayna Macy

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Absinthe-Take 1

Last night, my husband Scott and I went to our good friends Rebecca and Bill's house. They built a fire, took out some glasses, and we all poured ourselves a shot of Absinthe.We clinked then quaffed.The anise flavor was instantly apparent. Then my lips went numb and the back of my throat burned. After the shock lessened, I could detect the herby qualities of the lemon balm and tarragon. And, was I imagining it? A smell of damp cat? The Absinthe reminded me of something, what was it?Paregoric! That morphine, anise-oil based old-fashioned anti-diahrreah medicine used in the 19th century!What do you think? I asked my loved ones."If I had a bad cold, I could see taking a few sips," Scott said."I can't deal with it," Rebecca said.Bill and I took a few more sips, shrugged our shoulders, then took out the guitar and began singing "For What It's Worth," by Buffalo Springfield.I did have a general feeling of well being, but it's hard to say if it was the Absinthe, the fire, the friendship, the music, or some combination thereof.It may take a few more tries to understand the drinks charms. I'll report back soon.