Dayna Macy

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Ban Goody Bags

Do I sound like Scrooge? I detest the goody bags people seem obliged to give at their kids' parties. Plastic bags filled with cheap plastic crap, made in sweatshops in China. Kids are excited for 5 seconds, which is all it takes for them to realize that what they have is, indeed, crap, and they abandon it and move on (leaving behind yet more unnecessary clutter).This year, a bunch of parents from my childrens' school gave a big joint birthday party for the 6 kids in their class who are turning 7 and 8 this Fall. And guess what? No goody bags. The parents were grateful and the kids dealt with it. Let's hear it for sanity.We have, however, made a CD for our kids' good friends, filled with our sons' favorite songs -- Monster Mash, Pollution (Tom Lehrer), Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah (Allan Sherman), Egyptian Reggae (Jonathan Richman), and a dozen others.Share music, I say, not plastic!